Islamic Insights
The Most Beautiful Names of Allah
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Islamic Insights
The Most Beautiful Names of Allah
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Chapter 3 - The Islamic Acts of Worship
What is the ruling of Salat (prayers)? ما حكم الصلاة ؟
What is the ruling for those who do not pray? ما حكم تارك الصلاة؟
Who are the people who are obliged to perform prayers? And is a young boy obliged? على من تجب الصلاة ؟ و هل تجب على الصبي؟
Who is the Muslim adult, who is not obliged to pray? من هو المسلم البالغ العاقل الذي تسقط عنه الصلاة؟
How many prayers should a Muslim pray in one day? What are those prayers? كم صلاة يجب على المسلم ان يصليها في اليوم – وماهي ؟
What are the requirements for prayer which without, the prayers are considered invalid? ما هي شروط الصلاة التي لا تصح الصلاة بدونها؟
What are the obligatory parts of Salat? ماهى فرائض الصلاة ؟
What are Arkan As-Salat (basic parts) without which Salat is considered invalid? ما هي أركان الصلاة التي لا تصح الصلاة إلا بها؟
Allah Almighty described the prayers of the hypocrites. How was it described? ذم الله في كتابه صلاة المنافقين. ما هي تلك الصلاة المذمومة؟
What are the nullifiers of Salat? ماهي مبطلات الصلاة ؟
Allah praised the believers who humble themselves in prayer: “Successful indeed are the believers: those who humble themselves in prayer;’ so what is humility in prayers? امتدح الله في كتابه الخاشعون في صلاتهم، كما في قوله تعالى: ” قَدْ أَفْلَحَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ. الَّذِينَ هُمْ فِي صَلاتِهِمْ خَاشِعُونَ”.فما هو الخشوع في الصلاة؟
What are the things that help us to pray submissively and with humility? ما هي الأمور التي تساعدنا أن نخشع في الصلاة؟
What is the difference between Wuduh (ablution and taymamum)? ما هو الفرق بين الوضوء و التيمم؟
Can a person who is in a state of full impurity (had been intimate with the spouse) perform Wudu and pray? من كان على جنابة فكيف يتطهر لأداء الصلاة؟
How does a traveler pray? كيف يصلي المسافر؟
What are the essentials of Wudu (ablution)? ما هي أركان الوضوء؟
Who is obligated to fast? على من يجب الصيام؟
What are the excuses for someone to break the fast? ما الأعذار التي يفطر بها الصائم؟
What are the types of fasting? ما أنواع الصيام؟
When does fasting begin and when does it end? متى يبدأ الصيام و متى ينتهي؟
What is the ruling on having intercourse during the day in Ramadan or during the day of fasting? ما حكم الجماع في نهار رمضان أو في نهار الصيام؟
What is Zakat? ما هي الزكاة؟
What is the ruling of zakat and what is the proof from the Holy Quran? ما حكم الزكاة و ما الدليل على ذلك من القرآن الكريم ؟
What are the conditions that apply for having to pay zakat? ماهي شروط وجوب الزكاة؟
Who has the right to receive the Zakat? لمن تصرف الزكاة ؟
What is Zakat al-Fitr? ماهي زكاة الفطر؟
How much is Zakat al-Fitr? ماهي مقدار زكاة الفطر؟
Can one pay the value of Zakat Al-Fitr with money? هل يجوز إخراج زكاة الفطر نقداً؟
What is the ruling on Hajj? And what is the reward for it? ما حكم الحج؟ و ما هو الأجر المترتب عليه؟
What are the conditions that make Hajj become obligatory? ماهي شروط وجوب الحج؟
Can one perform Hajj on behalf of another human being? هل يجوز الحج عن الغير؟
When are the months of Hajj? ما هي أشهر الحج؟
What types of rites are there in Hajj?
What is the ruling of visiting Medina and is it a ritual of Hajj? ما حكم زيارة المدينة المنورة و هل هي من مناسك الحج؟
What is the ruling of Umrah? ما حكم العمرة؟
How does a Muslim remember Allah Almighty and how does he glorify Him? كيف يذكر المسلم ربه -عز وجل- ويسبحه؟
The remembrance of Allah is mentioned in the Holy Quran more than three hundred times. What is the effect of this remembrance on man?
Remembering Allah has many benefits. What are these benefits? للذكر عدة فوائد، ماهي فوائد الذكر؟
Allah has ordained that the people remember Him . How does one remember Allah Glorified be He?أمر الله عباده بأن يذكروه كثيرا، فكيف يذكر كثيرا سبحانه و تعالى؟
What is the penalty for the one who is oblivious of Allah’s Remembrance? ما هو عقوبة الغافل عن ذكر الله ؟
What forms of Remembrance are mentioned in the Quran? ما هي أنواع الذكر التي وردت في القرآن؟