Islamic Insights
The Most Beautiful Names of Allah
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Islamic Insights
The Most Beautiful Names of Allah
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Chapter 5.07 - Yusuf & Yaqoub PBUT
How is Surat Yusuf different from the other chapters in the Holy Quran? تختلف سورة يوسف عن باقي سور القرآن الكريم، ما وجه اختلافها عن غيرها؟
How many children did the Prophet Yacoub (Yaqoub) PBUH have? كم عدد اولاد النبى يعقوب عليه السلام؟
Who is the father of Prophet Yusuf PBUH? ما نسب نبي الله يوسف عليه السلام؟
Sourah Yusuf starts with a vision that Yusuf PBUH had in his dream and he told his father about it. What was the vision and what did his father say? تبدأ سورة يوسف بذكر رؤيا رآها يوسف في منامه و قصها على أبيه. فما هي هذه الرؤيا و ما تعليق أبيه عليها؟
Allah chose His prophet Yusuf pbuh to be a messenger and He taught him what no one else knew. What did Allah Almighty teach Yusuf pbuh? اختار الله تعالى نبيه يوسف عليه السلام ليكون رسولا و علمه ما لم يعلمه غيره. فما الذي علمه الله ليوسف عليه السلام؟
Yusuf’s brothers felt that their father’s love for Yusuf was more than his love for them. What was their reaction to that? شعر إخوة يوسف بمحبة أبيهم ليوسف أكثر من محبته لهم فما موقفهم من ذلك؟
What did the brothers finally decide to do about Yusuf pbuh? ما الذي استقر عليه رأي الإخوة في شأن فعلهم بيوسف-عليه السلام-؟
Yusuf’s father pbuh was very protective of him, so how did Yusuf’s brothers manage to take Yusuf pbuh away from their father and commit their crime? كان يعقوب عليه السلام شديد التعلق بيوسف فكيف استطاع إخوته إبعاد يوسف عليه السلام عن والدهم لينفذوا جريمتهم؟
Yusuf’s brothers came home without their brother Yusuf. So what did they tell their father who had entrusted them to look after Yusuf? عاد أخوة يوسف إلى البيت دون أخيهم يوسف. ماذا قالوا لأبيهم الذي أمنهم بأخيهم؟
What was the reaction of Prophet Yaqoub pbuh to what his sons said? ما هو موقف نبي الله يعقوب مما قاله أبناؤه؟
Allah has informed His Prophet Yusuf and His Prophet Yaqoub of Yusuf becoming a king and prophet, so what peace and patience did Allah instill in Yusuf pbuh when facing his brothers’ scheme and their consensus to throw him into the well? قد أعلم الله نبيه يوسف ونبيه يعقوب باصطفاء يوسف وجعله نبيًا ملكًا، فما هي السكينة والصبر التي أنزلها الله على يوسف أمام كيد الإخوة وإجماعهم على إلقائه في البئر؟
What is the period that Yusuf pbuh stayed in the well? And how did he pbuh get out of the well? كم المدة التي لبث فيها يوسف في البئر؟و كيف خرج منه؟
What happened to Yusuf pbuh after he was pulled out of the well? ماذا حصل ليوسف بعد أن أخرج من البئر؟
Who bought Yusuf pbuh? من اشترى يوسف عليه السلام؟
Yusuf pbuh was tested yet by a greater distress than his first when he was thrown into the well. What was this distress? And why was it considered greater than the first affliction? ابتلي يوسف عليه السلام ببلاء أعظم من بلائه الأول حين ألقي في البئر؟ فما هو هذا البلاء؟ ولم يعتبر أعظم من البلاء الأول؟
Allah said: “She advanced towards him, and he would have done likewise, had he not seen a sign from his Lord. This is how We kept evil and indecency away from him, for he was truly one of Our chosen servants..” Would he have intended to perform any act of indecency? قال الله تعالى: “وَلَقَدْ هَمَّتْ بِهِ وَهَمَّ بِهَا لَوْلا أَنْ رَأَى بُرْهَانَ رَبِّهِ كَذَلِكَ لِنَصْرِفَ عَنْهُ السُّوءَ وَالْفَحْشَاءَ إِنَّهُ مِنْ عِبَادِنَا الْمُخْلَصِينَ” فهل كان هذا الهم هو هم بفعل الفاحشة؟
Women from the city gossiped about the Aziz’s wife and said she tried to seduce Yusuf pbuh, and said they find that her behaviour is not fitting for her. How did she defend herself? كيف دافعت امرأة العزيز عن نفسها أمام نساء المدينة اللواتي تكلموا فيها أنها تراود يوسف عن نفسه وَإِنَهُنَّ يَرَيْنَهَا فِي ضَلاَلٍ وَاضِحٍ بَيِّنٍ فِي تَصَرُّفِهِا هذا.؟
Although Al-Aziz learned of Yusuf’s innocence, yet Yusuf pbuh was imprisoned. Why was he imprisoned? بالرغم من علم العزيز ببراءة يوسف-عليه السلام- إلا أنه أودع السجن. فما سبب دخوله السجن وهو برئ من التهمة المنسوبة إليه؟
How Many years did Yusuf PBUH (Yusuf pbuh) spend in prison?
Who was imprisoned at the same time as Yusuf pbuh and why was that an important factor for Yusuf’s pbuh release from prison after a few years? من دخل السجن مع يوسف عليه السلام؟ و ما الحكمة من دخوله السجن؟
Although prison is a place where human freedom is non-existent, this has not prevented Yusuf pbuh from carrying out his mission. What’s that mission? And where do you find that in this great surah? What lesson do we benefit from it? مع أن السجن مكان تصادر فيه حرية الإنسان إلا أن ذلك لم يمنع يوسف-عليه السلام- من القيام بمهمته السامية. ما تلك المهمة؟ وأين تجدها في تلك السورة العظيمة؟ وما الدرس المستفاد من ذلك؟
The Qur’an tells us about Yusuf’s pbuh release from prison, the appearance of his innocence and the great position he was appointed to in the Kingdom of Egypt. What is the reason for his release from prison? What events accompanied the release? حدثنا القرآن الكريم عن خروج يوسف من السجن وظهور براءته وتوليه منصبًا عظيمًا في المملكة المصرية. فما سبب خروجه من السجن؟ وما الأحداث التي صاحبت الخروج؟
How did Yusuf pbuh interpret the king’s dream for him? ما هو تفسير يوسف للرؤيا؟ و هل اكتفى بمجرد تعبير المنام؟
The king recognized Yusuf pbuh’s value, his knowledge and his aptitude to interpret his dream. Then he ordered the of release Yusuf pbuh from prison . Did Yusuf pbuh get out when they came for him? بعد أن عرف الملك العلم الذي عند يوسف عليه السلام و قدرته على تفسير الأحلام, أمر بإخراجه من السجن. هل خرج يوسف عليه السلام من السجن فورا ؟
What great position did Yusuf pbuh hold? Who gave him that post? And why was that empowerment that Allah Granted to Yusuf pbuh?| ما المنصب العظيم الذي تولاه يوسف-عليه السلام-؟ ومن الذي ولاه ذلك المنصب؟ وما سبب ذلك التمكين الذي منه الله ليوسف؟
Allah said: “And Joseph’s brothers came and entered his presence. He recognized them but they were unaware of who he really was.” Why did Yusuf pbuh’s brothers go to Egypt? And where did they come from? | قال الله تعالى: “وَجَاءَ إِخْوَةُ يُوسُفَ فَدَخَلُوا عَلَيْهِ فَعَرَفَهُمْ وَهُمْ لَهُ مُنْكِرُونَ”. ما سبب مقدم إخوة يوسف إلى مصر؟ وأين هي ديارهم التي جاؤوا منها؟
How did Yusuf pbuh plan to bring his brother to him? What is the answer of the brothers on Yusuf pbuh’s request? | كيف دبر يوسف لمقدم أخيه؟ وما موقف الإخوة من طلب يوسف؟
Why did Yaqoub (Yaqoub) pbuh tell his sons not to go through one gate rather use separate gates to enter the city?| عندما أراد إخوة يوسف أن يذهبوا إلى مصر، لماذا طلب منهم يعقوب عليه السلام أن لا يدخلوا من باب واحد و أن يدخلوا من أبواب متفرقة؟
What trick did Yusuf pbuh use to keep his brother with him? And how did he reassure his brother not to grieve or be afraid of what was about to happen?| ما الحيلة التي دبرها يوسف عليه السلام لإبقاء أخيه عنده؟ وكيف طمأن أخاه لئلا يحزن أو يخاف مما هو مقبل عليه؟
How did the brothers react to the fact that the King’s measuring cup was found in their brother’s saddle bag? And how did they defend him?| ما موقف الإخوة من وجود الصواع في متاع أخيهم؟ وكيف دافعوا عنه؟
What was discussed among the brothers privately? | ما الذي دار بين الإخوة في ذلك النقاش الخاص بينهم؟
How did Prophet Yaqoub pbuh react to what his sons told him? And what did he guide them to do? | ما موقف نبي الله يعقوب -عليه السلام- مما قاله أبناؤه؟ وما الذي أرشدهم إليه؟
How did Yaqoub pbuh get his sight back after having been blind from crying after his sons came back from Egypt where they went to trade, without their youngest brother Benjamin?| كيف استرجع يعقوب عليه السلام بصره بعد أن كان فقده من كثرة البكاء بعد أن عاد أولاده من مصرمن رحلة التجارة بدون أخيهم الأصغر بنيامين.
How did Yaqoub receive the news that his sons had found their brother Yusuf- peace be upon him?|
Yusuf pbuh was in a position of power and his brothers had done him wrong when they threw him in the well when he was a child. Did he retaliate when he had the chance to do so?| يوسف عليه السلام أصبح في منصب عالي و مهم. و بما أن إخوته آذوه في صغره و رموه في البئر كان ممكن أن ينتقم منهم عندما حضروا إلى مصر و لم يعرفوه. فهل انتقم منهم؟
When Yusuf PBUH told his father “O my dear father! This is the interpretation of my old dream. My Lord has made it come true.”‘ Yusuf 12: 100 How did the dream, that he had when he was a child, come true?”| قال يوسف عليه السلام لأبيه ان هذا هو تفسير حلمي (منامي) القديم. لقد حققه الله ( وَقَالَ يَا أَبَتِ هَـٰذَا تَأْوِيلُ رُؤْيَايَ مِن قَبْلُ قَدْ جَعَلَهَا رَبِّي حَقًّا ) يوسف 12: 100 . كيف تحقق الحلم؟
In the story of Yusuf- peace be upon him – there are several lessons through which the Muslim adheres to in his life. What are the highlights of those lessons? |في قصة يوسف-عليه السلام- عدة دروس وعبر يتمسك بها المسلم في حياته. ما هي أبرز تلك الدروس؟
The Qur’an told us about the Prayer of Yusuf pbuh and his request to his Lord, Almighty, at the end of the Surah, what is that prayer? What can we learn from that prayer? |حدثنا القرآن عن دعاء يوسف وسؤاله لربه -عز وجل- في آخر السورة، فما ذلك الدعاء؟ وما الذي يمكن أن يستفاد من ذلك الدعاء؟