- Don’t associate anything with Allah.
- (And ˹remember˺ when Luqmân said to his son, while advising him, “O my dear son! Never associate ˹anything˺ with Allah ˹in worship˺, for associating ˹others with Him˺ is truly the worst of all wrongs.”) (Luqman 31:13)
- Honour your parents and even if they pressure you to associate others with Allah, do not obey them in this but still you have to treat them kindly.
- (And We have commanded people to ˹honour˺ their parents. Their mothers bore them through hardship upon hardship, and their weaning takes two years. So be grateful to Me and your parents. To Me is the final return. But if they pressure you to associate with Me what you have no knowledge of, do not obey them. Still keep their company in this world courteously, and follow the way of those who turn to Me ˹in devotion˺(Luqman 31:14)
- Be Aware that any deed no matter how small it is Allah knows about it.
- (˹Luqmân added,˺ “O my dear son! ˹Even˺ if a deed were the weight of a mustard seed—be it ˹hidden˺ in a rock or in the heavens or the earth—Allah will bring it forth. Surely Allah is Most Subtle, All-Aware.) (Luqman 31:16)
- Establish Prayer
- (” O my dear son! Establish prayer, …” ) (Luqman 31:17)
- The Arabic word for prayer is salah and the word denotes connection. Prayer is our way of connecting with and maintaining a connection with God.
- Encourage good and forbid evil.
- (“… encourage what is good and forbid what is evil,”) ((Luqman 31:17)
- Practice patience in everything
- ( “ and endure patiently whatever befalls you. Surely this is a resolve to aspire to.…”)((Luqman 31:17)
- Do not act arrogantly with people
- (“And do not turn your nose up to people,
- Don’t walk amongst people with an air of pride
- (nor walk pridefully upon the earth. Surely Allah does not like whoever is arrogant, boastful. ) (Luqman 31:18)
- Walking with insolence through the land is another form of arrogance. It is as if Luqman wanted to emphasise the importance of humility. All people are equal in the eyes of Allah; the only thing that sets them apart is piety
- Walk moderately not too fast and not too slow.
- “Be moderate in your pace” ((Luqman 31:19)
- Never speak with a real loud voice
- “…. And lower your voice, for the ugliest of all voices is certainly the braying of donkeys.” ((Luqman 31:19)
لا تشرك بالله
(وَإِذْ قَالَ لُقْمَانُ لابْنِهِ وَهُوَ يَعِظُهُ يٰبُنَيَّ لاَ تُشْرِكْ بِٱللَّهِ إِنَّ ٱلشِّرْكَ لَظُلْمٌ عَظِيم) لقمان 31: 13
كن بارا بوالديك و لو كانا مشركين و أطعهما في كل شيء ما لم يأمراك بشرك أو معصية.
(وَوَصَّيْنَا الْإِنسَانَ بِوَالِدَيْهِ حَمَلَتْهُ أُمُّهُ وَهْنًا عَلَىٰ وَهْنٍ وَفِصَالُهُ فِي عَامَيْنِ أَنِ اشْكُرْ لِي وَلِوَالِدَيْكَ إِلَيَّ الْمَصِيرُ ﴿١٤﴾ وَإِن جَاهَدَاكَ عَلَىٰ أَن تُشْرِكَ بِي مَا لَيْسَ لَكَ بِهِ عِلْمٌ فَلَا تُطِعْهُمَا ۖ وَصَاحِبْهُمَا فِي الدُّنْيَا مَعْرُوفًا ۖ وَاتَّبِعْ سَبِيلَ مَنْ أَنَابَ إِلَيَّ ۚ ثُمَّ إِلَيَّ مَرْجِعُكُمْ فَأُنَبِّئُكُم بِمَا كُنتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ
– إن الله يعلم كل شيء ة كل عمل مهما كان صغيرا.
فحاسب نفسك لأن الله سيحاسبك.
(يَا بُنَيَّ إِنَّهَا إِن تَكُ مِثْقَالَ حَبَّةٍ مِّنْ خَرْدَلٍ فَتَكُن فِي صَخْرَةٍ أَوْ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ أَوْ فِي الْأَرْضِ يَأْتِ بِهَا اللَّـهُ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ لَطِيفٌ خَبِيرٌ )﴿ لقمان 31: 16
أقم إلصلاة
لأن الصلاة شأنها عظيم كما قال نبينا صلى الله عليه و سلم (الصلاة خير موضوع) أي خير شيء وضع في الأرض . و في الحديث: (واعلموا أن خير أعمالكم الصلاة).
(يَا بُنَيَّ أَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ ) لقمان 31: 17
الصلاه مشتقة من الصلة و الصلاة هي صلتنا بالله
. امر بالمعروف و انه عن المنكر.
(وَأْمُرْ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَانْهَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ) لقمان 31: 17
في الحديث: (من رأى منكم منكر فليغيره).
كن صبورا في كل أمورك
( وَاصْبِرْ عَلَىٰ مَا أَصَابَكَ ۖ إِنَّ ذَٰلِكَ مِنْ عَزْمِ الْأُمُورِ ) لقمان 31 : 17
لا تتصرف باستعلاء
(وَلَا تُصَعِّرْ خَدَّكَ لِلنَّاسِ)
. لا تمشي بفخر بين الناس
( وَلَا تَمْشِ فِي الْأَرْضِ مَرَحًا إِنَّ اللَّـهَ لَا يُحِبُّ كُلَّ مُخْتَالٍ فَخُورٍ ﴿١٨﴾) لقمان 31 : 18
أن تمشي في الأرض بين الناس و أنت بفخر و استعلاء يكون نوعا من الكبر. و االله لا يحب االمتكبرين. كل الناس سواء عند الله و الذي يميزهم هو التقوى
إمشي باعتدال لا سريعا و لا بطيئ
( وَاقْصِدْ فِي مَشْيِكَ ) لقمان 31 : 19
لا تتكلم بصوت مرتفع
(وَاغْضُضْ مِن صَوْتِكَ ۚ إِنَّ أَنكَرَ الْأَصْوَاتِ لَصَوْتُ الْحَمِيرِ ﴿١٩ ) لقمان 31 : 19