1- Being kind to him, smiling in his face, being lenient with him, being pleasant, and making him happy.
2- Instilling confidence in the orphan and developing his abilities and creativity.
3- Educating him with sound faith, developing his virtuous values and morals, and increasing his love and adherence to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his Prophet.
4- Being humble with the orphan and not to acting superior towards him in any action or speech .
ملاطفته والبشاشة في وجهه، ولين الجانب والمزاح معه، وإدخال السرور على قلبه.
غرس الثقة في نفس اليتيم وتنمية القدرات والإبداعات لديه.
التربية الإيمانية السليمة، وتنمية القيم والأخلاق الفاضلة لديه، وزيادة حبه وتمسكه بكتاب الله وسنة رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم.
التواضع لليتيم وعدم التعالي عليه باي فعل او قول.