The scholars said: This verse and this commentary are intended to bring mankind to what he hopes to achieve through what he likes, and the benefits of this include:
First: Satisfaction and pleasure are the stillness and calmness of the soul, which is the goal of every human being, and the greatest satisfaction is satisfaction with Allah as a Lord, His Majesty, and of the satisfaction with Him, the satisfaction of His judgment, His destiny, His judgment, and His command.
Second: Among the rewards of glorification is the survival from Hell-fire, as Allah Almighty says: ” Glory be to You! Protect us from the torment of the Fire. “, so whoever survived the fire is undoubtedly satisfied.
Third: In Allah’s Words ” so that you may be pleased ˹with the reward˺ “, there is an indication that the one who will benefit from the glorification is man himself, and not the Lord- Allah. Allah is not in need of the people.
Fourth: if we contemplate on the start of Sura (Taha), in which this verse was revealed, one finds His saying: “(Taha. We have not revealed the Quran to you ˹O Prophet˺ to cause you distress, ) This indicates that the Qur’an and the Thikr are not a cause of misery or psychological distress. On the contrary, it is a cause of self-comfort and reassurance.
قال العلماء: المراد بهذه الآية وهذا التعقيب: أن يصل العبد بما يحب إلى ما يؤمل، ومن فوائد ذلك ما يلي
أولاً: أن الرضا هو سكون النفس وهدوئها وهو غاية كل إنسان، وأعظم الرضا هو الرضا بالله ربا-جل جلاله-، ومن الرضا به ربا الرضا بقضائه وقدره، وحكمه وأمره.
ثانيًا: من ثمرات التسبيح النجاة من النار، كما في قوله: ” سُبْحَانَكَ فَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ “، فمن نجا من النار رضي بلا شك.
ثالثًا: في قوله ” لَعَلَّكَ تَرْضَى“، إشارة أن المنتفع بالذكر العبد وليس الرب-تعالى الله وتقدس-، فالله غني عن العالمين.
رابعًا: التأمل في صدر سورة(طه) التي نزلت فيها هذه الآية يجد قوله عز وجل:” طه. مَا أَنزَلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْقُرْآنَ لِتَشْقَى” وهذا يفيد أن القرآن والذكر ليس سببا للشقاء أو العقد النفسية وإنما هو سبب لارتياح النفس وطمأنينتها