I worship the Ever-Living, All-Sustaining Whose Life is infinite; it has neither beginning nor end, for He is who begets not, nor was He begotten, and there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him. He is the one Who has created the entire universe and subjected it for mankind, because He loves us, takes care of us, and brings us good always.
He is the Manager of mankind’s affairs and interests, and without His Management, their affairs and interests will be over, and that is why we love Him and glorify Him, and without Him, we will perish.
أعبد الله الحي القيوم. الذي له الحياة الكاملة لم يسبقها عدم و لا يلحقها فناء فهو الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفوا أحد. وهو الذي خلق الكون كله وسخره للإنسان لأنه يحبنا ويرعانا ويجلب لنا الخير دائماً.
مقيم لجميع خلقه على مصالحهم التي لا حياة لهم بدون إقامة الله لها. و لذلك نحن نحبه و نعظمه و نجله فلولاه لهلكنا.