1- They found a ship that belonged to some poor men, and they asked them if they could board the ship to get to the other side of the river (or the sea). So, they allowed them to board it, but when they got to the other side, al-Khidr made a hole in the ship. Moses commented: You made a hold in the ship, and this would cause harm to its owners. What you did is terrible!
(So they set out, but after they had boarded a ship, the man made a hole in it. Moses protested, “Have you done this to drown its people? You have certainly done a terrible thing!”) (Al-Kahf 18: 71)
2- Then, they went on walking, and they found a boy. Al-Khird killed him, so Moses, peace be upon him, told him: You killed an innocent soul without reason.
(So they proceeded until they came across a boy, and the man killed him. Moses protested, “Have you killed an innocent soul, who killed no one? You have certainly done a horrible thing.”) (Al-Kahf 18: 74)
3- After that, they got to a town and asked its people to give them food, but they refused. Then, al-Khidr saw a wall that was about to collapse, so he fixed it and put it upright. Moses, peace be upon him, told him: You could have taken a fee for fixing the wall since they refused to offer us some food.
(So they moved on until they came to the people of a town. They asked them for food, but the people refused to give them hospitality. There they found a wall ready to collapse, so the man set it right. Moses protested, “If you wanted, you could have demanded a fee for this.”) (Al-Kahf 18: 77)
After those three incidents, and before they parted, al-Khidr explained to Moses why he had done what he did, and he told him as Allah the Almighty narrates:
“He replied, “This is the parting of our ways. I will explain to you what you could not bear patiently” (Al-Kahf 18: 78)
– وجدوا سفينة يمتلكها رجال فقراء فطلبوا منهم أن يركبوا معهم ليذهبوا إلى الطرف الآخر من النهر(أو بحر). فوافق المساكين و ركبوا معهم. لما وصلوا إلى الطرف الآخر، خرق الخضر السفينة. فسأله موسى عليه السلام لماذا خرقت السفينة؟ إن هذا شئ شنيع.
(فَانطَلَقَا حَتَّىٰ إِذَا رَكِبَا فِي السَّفِينَةِ خَرَقَهَا ۖ قَالَ أَخَرَقْتَهَا لِتُغْرِقَ أَهْلَهَا لَقَدْ جِئْتَ شَيْئًا إِمْرًا)
الكهف 18: 71
ثم مشوا فوجدوا غلام فقتله الخضر دون سبب. فقال له موسى عليه السلام كيف قتلت نفسا بريئة دون سبب؟
( فَانطَلَقَا حَتَّىٰ إِذَا لَقِيَا غُلَامًا فَقَتَلَهُ قَالَ أَقَتَلْتَ نَفْسًا زَكِيَّةً بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ لَّقَدْ جِئْتَ شَيْئًا نُّكْرًا )
الكهف 18: 74
تابعوا السير حتى وصلوا إلى قرية. طلبوا من أهل القرية أكل (استضافة) فرفضوا إعطاءهم أي شئ. وجدوا جدارا مكسورا سيقع فرممه الخضر وأصلحه كي لا يقع. قال له موسى عليه السلام: كان من الممكن أن تطلب أجرة على إصلاحه. خاصة بعد هذه المعاملة التي امتنعوا عن استضافتنا
(فَانطَلَقَا حَتَّىٰ إِذَا أَتَيَا أَهْلَ قَرْيَةٍ اسْتَطْعَمَا أَهْلَهَا فَأَبَوْا أَن يُضَيِّفُوهُمَا فَوَجَدَا فِيهَا جِدَارًا يُرِيدُ أَن يَنقَضَّ فَأَقَامَهُ ۖ قَالَ لَوْ شِئْتَ لَاتَّخَذْتَ عَلَيْهِ أَجْرًا)
الكهف 18: 77
بعد الثلاث مواقف وقبل أن يفترقوا، أخبر الخضر موسى عليه السلام عن سبب الأفعال التي فعلها
(قَالَ هَـٰذَا فِرَاقُ بَيْنِي وَبَيْنِكَ ۚ سَأُنَبِّئُكَ بِتَأْوِيلِ مَا لَمْ تَسْتَطِع عَّلَيْهِ صَبْرًا)
الكهف 18: 78