Nuh (Noah PBUH ).
He admonished his people but they did not listen and rejected the signs of Allah.
(And ˹remember˺ when Noah had cried out to Us earlier, so We responded to him and delivered him and his family1 from the great distress . And We made him prevail over those who had rejected Our signs. They were truly an evil people, so We drowned them all. ) Al-Anbiya 21:76-77
(Indeed, Noah cried out to Us, and how excellent are We in responding! We delivered him and his family1 from the great distress,) Al-Saffat 37:75-76
(Noah had prayed, “My Lord! Do not leave a single disbeliever on earth.) Nuh 71:26
Ayoub PBUH.
He suffered from a terminal illness for a long time, his sons all died everyone left him. He was patient and he finally cried out to his Lord.
(And ˹remember˺ when Job cried out to his Lord, “I have been touched with adversity,1 and You are the Most Merciful of the merciful.” So We answered his prayer and removed his adversity, and gave him back his family, twice as many, as a mercy from Us and a lesson for the ˹devoted˺ worshippers.) Al-Anbiya 21:83-84
(And remember Our servant Job, when he cried out to his Lord, “Satan has afflicted me with distress and suffering.” So he was told], “Strike [the ground] with your foot; this is a [spring for] a cool bath and drink.”) Sad 38 : 41-42
Yunus (Jonah) pbuh
Yunus (Jonah) pbuh when he was swallowed by a whale, he admitted his wrong-doing and asked for forgiveness,
(And ˹remember˺ when the Man of the Whale stormed off ˹from his city˺ in a rage, thinking We would not restrain him.1 Then in the ˹veils of˺ darkness2 he cried out, “There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except You. Glory be to You! I have certainly done wrong.” So We answered his prayer and rescued him from anguish. And so do We save the ˹true˺ believers. ) Al-Anbiya 21:87-88
Zachariah asked for a child at his very old age while his wife was barren
(And ˹remember˺ when Zachariah cried out to his Lord, “My Lord! Do not leave me childless, though You are the Best of Successors.”1 So We answered his prayer, granted him John, and made his wife fertile.) Al-Anbiya 21: 89-90
Musa (Moses) pbuh
The prayer of Prophet Musa (Moses) pbuh after arriving in Midian and helping the two ladies by watering their flock for them
“My Lord! I am needy of whatever good Thou sendest down for me.” (28:24)
Yusuf (Joseph) pbuh
The prayer of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) pbuh in Surah Yusuf after his parents came to Egypt?
“Creator of the heavens and the earth! Thou art my Protecting Friend in the world and the Hereafter. Make me to die submissive (unto Thee), and join me to the righteous.” (12:101)
Yaqoub (Jacob) pbuh
نوح عليه السلام
نوح عليه السلام دعى قومه و لكنهم لم يسمعوا و كفروا بآيات الله.
(وَنُوحًا إِذْ نَادَىٰ مِن قَبْلُ فَاسْتَجَبْنَا لَهُ
(وَنُوحًا إِذْ نَادَىٰ مِن قَبْلُ فَاسْتَجَبْنَا لَهُ فَنَجَّيْنَاهُ وَأَهْلَهُ مِنَ الْكَرْبِ الْعَظِيمِ ﴿٧٦﴾ وَنَصَرْنَاهُ مِنَ الْقَوْمِ الَّذِينَ كَذَّبُوا بِآيَاتِنَا ۚ إِنَّهُمْ كَانُوا قَوْمَ سَوْءٍ فَأَغْرَقْنَاهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ )
الأنبياء 21 : 76-77
وصفوه بالجنون (:قالوا مجنون و ازدجر)
وَلَقَدْ نَادَانَا نُوحٌ فَلَنِعْمَ الْمُجِيبُونَ ﴿٧٥﴾ وَنَجَّيْنَاهُ وَأَهْلَهُ مِنَ الْكَرْبِ الْعَظِيمِ ﴿٧٦﴾ الصافات 37: 75-76
زجروه (لئن لم تنته يا نوح لتكونن من المرجومين )
(وَقَالَ نُوحٌ رَّبِّ لاَ تَذَرْ عَلَى ٱلأَرْضِ مِنَ ٱلْكَافِرِينَ دَيَّارا) نوح 71: 26
أيوب عليه السلام
أيوب عليه السلام قضى وقت طويل من عمره يتعذب من مرض عضال. كل أولاده ماتوا و كل الأصقاؤه تركوه و رغم كل هذا صبر. و كانت زوجته تعتني يه إلى أن نفذ عندهم المال. و نادى أيوب عليه السلام ربه
و دعاؤه
(َنِّي مَسَّنِيَ ٱلضُّرُّ وَأَنتَ أَرْحَمُ الراحمين) الأنبياء 21: 83-84
( أَنِّي مَسَّنِيَ ٱلشَّيْطَانُ بِنُصْبٍ وَعَذَابٍ) ص 38: 41-42
يونس عليه السلام
يونس عليه السلام عندما ابتلعه الحوت ، لبث في بطنه و دعى ربه و استغفر
(لاَّ إِلَـٰهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ ٱلظَّالِمِينَ ) فَاسْتَجَبْنَا لَهُ وَنَجَّيْنَاهُ مِنَ الْغَمِّ ۚ وَكَذَٰلِكَ نُنجِي الْمُؤْمِنِينَ ﴿٨٨﴾) الأنبياء 21: 87 -88
زكريا عليه السلام
زكريا عليه السلام طلب من ربه أن يرزقه الله بولد و هو في عمر كبير و زوجته لا تنجب (عقيم).
رَبِّ لَا تَذَرْنِي فَرْدًا وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ الْوَارِثِينَ ﴿٨٩﴾ فَاسْتَجَبْنَا لَهُ وَوَهَبْنَا لَهُ يَحْيَ وَأَصْلَحْنَا لَهُ زَوْجَهُ ۚ
الأنبياء 21: 89- 90