The prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) , accompanied his uncle Abû Țâlib and some Quraysh men on a business trip to al-Cham. When their caravan reached the city of Buṣra, in the southern region of the Levant, they found a Christian monk named Baḥîra, who was living in a monastery on their route.
When the Caravan stopped there, the monk went out to greet them and he was hospitable although he had never greeted merchants before that. He saw the Prophet and recognized him from the signs. He held his hand and said: He is the Master of this Universe. Abu Talib said: How do you know this? He said ‘ I saw the cloud that had been overshadowing him and only him, and all trees and rocks had been prostrating towards— the boy. These do not prostrate themselves except to a prophet. And I know him by the seal of prophet-hood between his two shoulder blades, and he is mentioned in our books.’
So he warned the uncle, to take him back to Mecca, and that by getting the identity of the future-prophet as described in the old scriptures, some Jews would surely harm the boy.
عندما خرج الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم مع عمه للتجارة إلى الشام ، وصلوا الى منطقة اسمها بصرى ، وهي معدودة من الشام ، وكان في هذا البلد راهب اسمه: بحيرى الراهب ، فلما نزل الركب خرج إليهم ، وأكرمهم بالضيافة، وكان لا يخرج إليهم قبل ذلك وعرف رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بصفته، فقال وهو آخذ بيديه : هذا سيد العالمين، فقال أبو طالب: وماعلمك بذلك؟ فقال: رايت غمامة تظله دونكم، وحين أشرفت من العقبة لم يبق حجر ولا شجر إلا خر ساجدا، ولا تسجد إلا لنبي ، وإني أعرفه بخاتم النبوة في أسفل غضروف كتفه مثل التفاحة، وإنا نجده في كتبنا ، وسأل أبا طالب أن يرده إلى مكة خوفا عليه من اليهود.