our story

The start of Q&A about Islam

Peace for your soul

Information about the editors of IslamFAQ and the resources used to verify the answers provided.

 All praise is to Allah Almighty for giving me the privilege and guiding me to publish these Questions and Answers about Islam. These may not be comprehensive,  but with the Help of Allah, we will update the list with new questions periodically. These have been prepared, written, reviewed, and published by a group of people headed by Dr. Khaled Al-Houli a well-known scholar in Kuwait. 

The history of this project:

  In 1997 when my late father, Dr. Assaad Homad published his book, Aysar al-Tafaseer, which he had been working on for many years, and which is an easy interpretation of the holy Quran ( there is a link to the book on the menu bar), I took an interest in reading the interpretation and in knowing more about the meanings and reason for the revelation of certain verses.

My sisters, Dr.  Nouha Homad and Mayada Homad and myself translated the book to English, and it was also translated to French.

I would like to share this information and  knowledge which I had gained, with everyone who wants answers in an easy organized manner.  

In 2019 I met Sister Rania Elfarouki, who became a motivator for me. 

 Our target audience is  the Muslim youth who live in conflicting environments and are exposed to so many challenges between their lives at home in a Muslim environment, and at their schools and universities where they spend the majority of their time with friends who may not be Muslims; and therefore had many questions regarding  Islam.

  Her daughter, Maya Younes,  also inspired me to understand what conflict the young Muslim generation is exposed to in a country like Canada, and what doubts they have and questions they ask.  

 My dear friend Jamal Hussain in Ottawa, whom I have known for years and trust her vast knowledge of Islamic creed and Islamic studies, wrote some chapters of this project: mainly  Islamic creed, the Islamic acts of Worship,  and much of chapter 4 , the Interactions.  I  am grateful to her.

I am very thankful to my friend Kawthar al-Hajj Saleh in Syria for doing much of the translation to English. 

 Dr. Khaled Al-Houli who is a dignified Imam at the Masjid and a Professor  at Kuwait University reviewed, added, and rewrote many of my questions and answers. As a professional scholar, he went into more detail than I could have ever done, and I am grateful to him. (I have published the resume of Dr. Khaled al-Houli ) in the section. 

I have to thank my husband and son, who have been really patient while I worked on this project. They supported me the entire time I was busy writing.

 I would like to thank brother Asim Malik president of the Print Igloo  who set the base for the web-site and content,  as well as  Selim Younes who is working on this site. 

Now that the site will be launched  I am thankful to Allah Almighty for granting me the patience and knowledge along with the time, friends, and family who helped make this possible.  I would like to thank all those people who contributed in one way or another and the friends and team who worked with me on this noble project., some of whom I may have not mentioned.

I pray that this site of Questions and Answers about Islam- will answer some of the questions asked by those who seek knowledge, and correct some misconceptions about Islam.

I would appreciate any comments or feedback on the site. If you find any errors I would appreciate it if you can send us an email.

May Allah accept our humble work and  bless it.

Eng. Ghada Homad

Mississauga, Ontario 2023
