The angels are an eternal creation that only dies on the day of blowing the trumpet on the Last Day, but the jinn die before that, and since they are like that, it is the Angel of Death who takes the spirits by the command of Allah almighty when He orders her death. (It is˺ Allah ˹Who˺ calls back the souls ˹of people˺ upon their death ) Az-zummar 39: 42
Therefore, angels are stronger in this respect, even in the worldly life, for demons are afraid of angels, as in Badr conquest, when Satan saw the angels that Allah sent to support the believers, he said to the infidels. ( “I have absolutely nothing to do with you. I certainly see what you do not see. I truly fear Allah, for Allah is severe in punishment.”) Al-Anfal 8: 48
Therefore, angels are stronger in this respect, even in the worldly life, for demons are afraid of angels, as in Badr conquest, when Satan saw the angels that Allah sent to support the believers, he said to the infidels. ( “I have absolutely nothing to do with you. I certainly see what you do not see. I truly fear Allah, for Allah is severe in punishment.”) Al-Anfal 8: 48
إن الملائكة خلق مستمر لا يموتون إلا يوم النفخ في الصور، اما الجن فإنهم يموتون قبل ذلك، ولما كانوا كذلك، فإن ملك الموت هو الذي يقبض الأرواح بأمر الله تعالى حين يقضي بوفاتها : ( الله يتوفى الأنفس حين موتها) . لذلك الملائكة أقوى من هذه الناحية، بل حتى في الحياة الدنيا، فالشياطين تخاف من الملائكة كما في غزوة بدر لما رأى الشيطان الملائكة الذين بعثهم الله لنصرة المؤمنين، قال للكفار : ( إني برئ منكم إني أرى مالا ترون إني أخاف الله والله شديد العقاب)