They are creations like other of Allah’s creations, Allah created them from fire, and we cannot see them. Allah has created them with abilities different from those of man; they can fly and their movement is very fast, and they have the ability to form themselves in different shapes. The creation of the jinn is different from man, because humans were created from clay while the jinn were created from fire.
هم خلق من مخلوقات الله، خلقهم الله من نار، ولا نستطيع رؤيتهم لا نملك القدرة علي ذلك، وقد خلق الله لهم قدرات تختلف عن قدرات الإنسان، فبإمكانهم الطيران، وسرعة الانتقال والقدرة على التشكل، ويختلف خلق الجن عن الإنس، لأن الانس خلقوا من طين بينما الجن خلقوا من نار.