- Yusuf pbuh had the beauty, perfection, splendor and goodness that made the wife of al-Aziz ask him to engage in an act of indecency with her. And because he was her servant and under her care, and they lived in the same house, it would have been easy for him to do so discreetly.
- The woman set the scene for this crime and Yusuf pbuh felt trapped. She locked the doors so that no one would enter, and so the room became safe, and then she seduced him.
- Yusuf pbuh was a stranger in that country, and no one knew him. And it would have been easy for him to comply with her wishes, unlike someone who was known in their country and afraid for his reputation. He was her servant and a young man, and she was a woman from the upper class and there was no doubt about her beauty. She threatened that if he does not do what she ordered him to do, she would imprison him or inflict upon him a painful torment.
- Yet with all these previous reasons, Yusuf pbuh was patient and refrained from sinning in glorification of Allah, so he said ” Allah is my refuge “, and he said ‘it is not appropriate to meet the charity of the man who brought him into his house and ordered that he is treated with dignity and kindness, with this act of betrayal to his family. ” It is ˹not right to betray˺ my master, who has taken good care of me. “, and whoever does so is unjust, and the oppressor is never successful.
- Yusuf pbuh wanted to escape from the woman and raced towards the door to end this seduction, and the woman followed him “They raced for the door “, and she grabbed him by his shirt and it tore from the back.
- When they reached the door, they found her husband – Al-Aziz – unexpectedly at the door .
- Al-Aziz witnessed what no-one would be happy to see, so the woman instantly lied and said it was Yusuf who had tried to seduce her, and said: ” She cried, “What is the penalty for someone who tried to violate your wife”. She said ‘who tried to violate’ and she did not say: “Who did violate your wife”, because she acquitted herself and him of the act. Then she mentioned the crime and the punishment for it, and suggested a light sentence for Yusuf, because she was so infatuated with Yusuf pbuh and she did not want him to be killed. The punishment which she suggested was imprisonment or a painful torture
- Yusuf defended himself (even though he was a stranger and a servant in the house of the master,) because no one should surrender to these crimes because they tarnish the reputation of man as long as one lives until Allah shows his innocence, he said: “It was she who tried to seduce me.”.
- Because the possibility of both honesty and lying was there, Allah caused one of her relatives to testify; he said: The shirt is the pointer of honesty or lying, if the shirt is ripped from the front, it is a sign that he approached her and she tried to defend herself therefore tore the shirt. However, if it was ripped from behind, it is a sign that he was running away and she wanted to catch up with him and caught him by the shirt. “If his shirt is torn from the front, then she has told the truth and he is a liar. But if it is torn from the back, then she has lied and he is truthful.”
- When they saw the shirt was torn from the back, it was a sign of Yusuf pbuh’s innocence from the charge against him. “So when her husband saw that Yusuf pbuh’s shirt was torn from the back”
- When al-Aziz was convinced of what happened, he said to Yusuf pbuh, “O Yusuf! Forget about this. “, i.e., Do not talk about this incident and forget it and do not mention it to anyone, in order to cover up for his family, “And you ˹O wife˺! Seek forgiveness for your sin “.
This ordeal was greater for Yusuf pbuh than the ordeal of his brothers throwing him in the well, and the patience required for it was greater; because his patience in this case was by choice. There were many reasons for the opportunity of his engaging and giving in to his desire, yet Yusuf pbuh preferred Allah’s love and was patient. On the other hand, his ordeal with his brothers and his patience towards it was not by choice. i.e. he had no choice but to be patient and hope for Allah’s reward for his patience, which is the same case as when one is afflicted with sickness and disease and has not choice or refuge but to be patient.
- كان ليوسف من الجمال والكمال والبهاء والحسن ما جعل امرأة العزيز تطلب منه أن يواقعها مواقعة الأزواج، وهو غلامها وتحت تدبيرها، ومسكنهما واحد، فقد يتيسر إيقاع ما تصبو إليه المرأة دون أن يشعر أحد أو أن يحس به بشر.
- هيئت المرأة الأجواء لهذه الجريمة فازدادت المصيبة على يوسف فقامت المرأة بتغليق الأبواب لئلا يدخل عليها أحد، فصار المحل خاليا وهما آمنان من دخول أحد عليهما، وقد دعته إلى نفسها.
- يوسف-عليه السلام- رجل غريب على تلك البلاد لا يعرفه أهلها ومن كان كذلك فقد لا يمتنع عما يمتنع عنه من كان في وطنه وبين معارفه، كما أنه خادم مملوك أسير تحت يد، وتلك المرأة لأنها من علية القوم فلا ريب أن يكون فيها من الجمال ما يدعو إلى الإذعان والخضوع لطلبها، وهو شاب عزب وقد توعدته، إن لم يفعل ما تأمره به بالسجن، أو العذاب الأليم.
- ومع كل هذه الدواعي صبر يوسف عن معصية الله إجلالاً لله وتعظيمًا له، ولذا قال “معاذ الله”، كما أنه لا يليق أن يقابل إحسان الرجل الذي أدخله في بيته وأمر بإكرامه والإحسان إليه ففعل هذا الفعل في أهله خيانة “إنه ربي أحسن مثواي”، ومن فعل ذلك فإنه ظالم، والظالم لا يفلح ولا يوفق.
- ذهب يوسف عليه السلام ليهرب عن تلك المرأة ويبادر إلى الخروج من الباب ليتخلص من هذه الفتنة، والمرأة تلحق به “واستبقا الباب”، فبادرت إليه وتعلقت بقميصه حتى شقته من ظهره.
- وصلا إلى الباب في تلك الحال، فظهر ما لم يكن في الحسبان، إذ وجدا الزوج -وهو العزيز-لدى الباب.
- رأى العزيز ما لا يسر الرائي برؤيته، فبادرت المرأة إلى الكذب على أن المراودة قد كانت من يوسف، وقالت: “مَا جَزَاءُ مَنْ أَرَادَ بِأَهْلِكَ سُوءًا”، ولم تقل: “من فعل بأهلك سوءا”، تبرئة لها وتبرئة له أيضا من الفعل، ثم ذكرت امرأة العزيز التهمة وأصدرت العقوبة المخففة لأن قلبها متعلق بيوسف، ولئلا يعاقب بقتل أو نحو ذلك ذكرت هي العقوبة وهي السجن أو العذاب الموجع
- دافع يوسف عن نفسه على الرغم من أنه غريب وخادم في بيت السيد، إلا أنه هذه الجرائم لا يصلح الاستسلام لها لأنها تلطخ سمعة الإنسان ما حيي إلا أن يظهر الله براءته، قال: “هِيَ رَاوَدَتْنِي عَنْ نَفْسِي“.
- مع احتمال الصدق والكذب في أحد الطرفين أنطق الله أحد أقاربها ليشهد بما يقتضيه العقل، وهو الموافق للحق، فقال: القميص هو القرينة على الصدق أو الكذب فلو انقطع القميص من القبل فذلك علامة على أنه اقترب منها فحاولت الدفاع عن نفسها حتى مزقت القميص، ولو انقطع من الخلف فهو علامة على أنه يهرب وهي تريد اللحاق به
- فلما اطلعوا على القميص ورأوه قد انقطع من دبره لا من قبله فكان علامة على براءة يوسف من التهمة التي نسبت إليه. “فَلَمَّا رَأَى قَمِيصَهُ قُدَّ مِنْ دُبُرٍ“.
- ولما تحقق العزيز من الأمر، قال ليوسف: “يُوسُفُ أَعْرِضْ عَنْ هَذَا” أي: اترك الكلام فيه وتناساه ولا تذكره لأحد، طلبا للستر على أهله، “وَاسْتَغْفِرِي”، أيتها المرأة، “لِذَنْبِكِ إِنَّكِ كُنْتِ مِنَ الْخَاطِئِينَ”.
( قَالَ هِيَ رَاوَدَتْنِي عَن نَّفْسِي ۚ وَشَهِدَ شَاهِدٌ مِّنْ أَهْلِهَا إِن كَانَ قَمِيصُهُ قُدَّ مِن قُبُلٍ فَصَدَقَتْ وَهُوَ مِنَ الْكَاذِبِينَ ﴿﴾ وَإِن كَانَ قَمِيصُهُ قُدَّ مِن دُبُرٍ فَكَذَبَتْ وَهُوَ مِنَ الصَّادِقِينَ ﴿﴾)
وهذه المحنة العظيمة أعظم على يوسف من محنة إلقائه في البئر، وصبره عليها أعظم أجرا، لأنه صبر اختيار مع وجود الدواعي الكثيرة، لوقوع الفعل، لكن يوسف قدم محبة الله على هوى النفس، وأما محنته بإخوته، فصبره صبر اضطرار، أي ليس له من خيار إلا أن يصبر ويحتسب الأجر عند الله، بمنزلة الأمراض والمكاره التي تصيب العبد بغير اختياره وليس له ملجأ إلا الصبر
يوسف 12: 23- 28