Why Names of Allah are important to Muslims
The first of the five pillars of Islam is belief in Allah (SWT). As Muslims, we believe in Allah (SWT) in accordance with His beautiful names and attributes. Learning and memorizing the names of Allah (SWT) will help us to identify the correct way to believe in Him.
ٱللهُ لَآ إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ ۖ لَهُ ٱلْأَسْمَآءُ ٱلْحُسْنَىٰ
(Allah – there is no deity except Him. To Him belong the best names.)
[Surah Taha 20:8]
The 99 names of Allah, also known as Al Asma Ul Husna (أسماء الله الحسنى), represent the attributes of the Almighty. These names, mentioned in the Quran, and Sunnah offer Muslims a way to connect with and understand Allah Almighty. In Islam, Muslims call Allah’s names in English or any other language to reflect upon His kindness and Supremacy. Reciting these names deepens the Islamic faith and enriches believers’ lives with profound spiritual benefits.
Knowing the benefits of the names of Allah can be highly rewarding in Islam. Muslims seek guidance from Allah’s names for success, wealth, poverty, depression, and any physical or mental ailment
Narrated by Abu Hurairah: Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said, “Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred (100) minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari 50:894)
(He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names) Al-Hashr 59:24
(Allah – there is no deity except Him. To Him belong the best names.) Taha 20:8
(And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them.). Al-A’raf 7:180
However, these Names are not limited to 99. The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said:
اللّهُـمَّ إِنِّي عَبْـدُكَ ابْنُ عَبْـدِكَ ابْنُ أَمَتِـكَ نَاصِيَتِي بِيَـدِكَ مَاضٍ فِيَّ حُكْمُكَ عَدْلٌ فِيَّ قَضَاؤكَ أَسْأَلُـكَ بِكُلِّ اسْمٍ هُوَ لَكَ سَمَّـيْتَ بِهِ نَفْسَكَ أِوْ أَنْزَلْتَـهُ فِي كِتَابِكَ أَوْ عَلَّمْـتَهُ أَحَداً مِنْ خَلْقِـكَ أَوِ اسْتَـأْثَرْتَ بِهِ فِي عِلْمِ الغَيْـبِ عِنْـدَكَ أَنْ تَجْـعَلَ القُرْآنَ رَبِيـعَ قَلْبِـي وَنورَ صَـدْرِي وجَلَاءَ حُـزْنِي وذَهَابَ هَمِّـي
‘O Allah, I am Your slave, and the son of Your male slave, and the son of your female slave. My forehead is in Your Hand (i.e. you have control over me). Your Judgment upon me is assured, and Your Decree concerning me is just. I ask You by every Name that You have named Yourself with, revealed in Your Book, taught any one of Your creation, or kept unto Yourself in the knowledge of the unseen that is with You, to make the Qur’an the spring of my heart, and the light of my chest, the banisher of my sadness, and the reliever of my distress.’ Reference: Ahmad 1/391, and Al-Albani graded it authentic.
So by saying: “. I ask You by every Name “ … or “kept unto Yourself in the knowledge of the unseen that is with You” means that there are names that we don’t know about.. so the names that are listed may not be conclusive. Of course, no one can know the Names which Allah Preserved in the knowledge of the unseen. Allah knows best
Different scholars, may Allah have mercy on their souls, tried to determine the Names of Allah which are mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah. For instance, Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on his soul) stated 99 names which he extracted from the Quran and the Sunnah, and they are as follows:
1- The Names of Allah which are mentioned in the Quran 81 Names:
– Allah, Al-Ahad, Al-A’la, Al-Akram, Al-Ilaah, Al-Awwal, Al-Aakhir, Ath-Thaahir, Al-Baatin, Al-Baari’, Al-Barr, Al-Baseer, At-Tawwaab, Al-Jabbaar, Al-Haafith, Al-Haseeb, Al-Hafeeth, Al-Hafiyy, Al-Haqq, Al-Mubeen, Al-Hakeem, Al-Haleem, Al-Hameed, Al-Hayy, Al-Qayyoom, Al-Khabeer, Al-Khaaliq, Al-Khallaaq, Ar-Ra’oof, Ar-Rahmaan, Ar-Raheem, Ar-Razzaaq, Ar-Raqeeb, As-Salaam, As-Samee’, Ash-Shaakir, Ash-Shakoor, Ash-Shaheed, As-Samad, Al-‘Aalim, Al-‘Azeez, Al-‘Atheem, Al-‘Afuw, Al-‘Aleem, Al-‘Aliyy, Al-Ghaffaar, Al-Ghafoor, Al-Ghaniyy, Al-Fattaah, Al-Qaadir, Al-Qaahir, Al-Quddoos, Al-Qadeer, Al-Qareeb, Al-Qawiyy, Al-Qahhaar, Al-Kabeer, Al-Kareem, Al-Lateef, Al-Mu’min, Al-Muta’aali, Al-Mutakabbir, Al-Mateen, Al-Mujeeb, Al-Majeed, Al-Muheet, Al-Musawwir, Al-Muqtadir, Al-Muqeet, Al-Malik, Al-Maleek, Al-Mawla, Al-Muhaymin, An-Naseer, Al-Waahid, Al-Waarith, Al-Waasi’, Al-Wadood, Al-Wakeel, Al-Waliyy, Al-Wahhaab.
2- The names of Allah which are mentioned in the Sunnah of the Prophet (Pbuh) 18 Names:
-Al-Jameel, Al-Jawaad, Al-Hakam, Al-Hayiyy, Ar-Rab, Ar-Rafeeq, As-Sabooh, As-Sayyid, Ash-Shaafi, At-Tayyib, Al-Qaabidh, Al-Baasit, Al-Muqadim, Al-Mu’akhkhir, Al-Muhsin, Al-Mu’ti, Al-Mannaan, Al-Witr.
Allah Knows best.
The Influence of Divine Names on Personal Development
Understanding and invoking the names of Allah (SWT) encourages personal and spiritual growth among Muslims. Each name represents a different aspect of life and inspires specific virtues in individuals. For example, invoking Al-Sabur (The Patient) can inspire patience in difficult times, while calling upon Al-Ghaffar (The Forgiving) can encourage a person to forgive others, fostering a compassionate community.
The Role of Divine Names in Islamic Worship
The names of Allah (SWT) play a central role in Islamic worship practices. They are integral to various forms of dhikr (remembrance of Allah), dua (supplication), and salah (prayer). By reciting these names during worship, Muslims affirm their faith and seek to cultivate a closer relationship with Allah. This repetitive invocation serves as a spiritual practice that not only glorifies Allah, but also reinforces the moral and ethical standards He prescribes.
The Social Impact of Believing in the Names of Allah
Belief in the Names of Allah extends beyond individual benefits to influence social behavior and community values. This belief system promotes justice, mercy, and equality, which are reflected in social interactions and community dealings. Understanding Allah as Al-‘Adl (The Just) or Ar-Rahim (The Merciful) can guide communities towards fair practices and compassionate treatment of individuals, shaping a society that mirrors the divine attributes of justice and mercy.